World View

Some believe that  science and religion are mutually exclusive, or at least contradict each other in many important areas. I do not believe this. Science and religion are parallel paths to lead us to understand the same truth. 
" Religion and Science are inter-twined with each other and cannot be separated. These are the two wings with which humanity must fly.  One wing is not enough. Every religion which does not concern itself with Science is mere tradition, and that is not the essential. Therefore science, education and civilization are most important necessities for the full religious life."
    (Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 28)

I do believe in the Creator, whether one uses the name God, Allah or El or even Io. Some scientists disagree, and think that the universe created itself following scientific laws, or laws of nature. I do not understand their difficulty in believing in a pre-existent, supreme intelligence, as they obviously believe in a pre-existent law of nature.

The next important feature in my world view, is the concept that at birth we move from one limited world (a lifetime of about 9 months) to a much greater world, and that what we call death is again moving to a vastly greater world. As to what this next world is like: consider; what could a foetus understand about this physical life?

Back to the parallel paths of science and religion., which are different ways of describing, or comprehending the same reality. It is said that science cannot prove anything, only disprove. True Religion relies on faith tempered with reason, not blind faith.

Scientific discoveries (principles, theories) can be superseded by a much greater understanding. Though they may be accurate in some situations, a much greater understanding of science may be needed for all situations.
E.g. Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravity, though observably correct in most situations on earth, is superseded by the discoveries of Einstein, especially in the context of the galaxy or universe. So truth depends on the frame of reference used by the observer, who can choose a greater or a lesser viewpoint.

Religious truth is the same. No matter how inspiring an insight may seem at the time, at a future time one may see a vastly greater truth, which inspires feelings of humility when considering the previous understanding.

Photo adapted from

I also believe that this physical world is infinite in very many ways. Infinite in size (what lies beyond this universe?), infinite in complexity (remember that scientists once thought that an atom was the ultimate indivisible particle of creation). And although its component parts are finite in longevity, the physical creation as a whole is infinite in duration. 

With all this in mind, one of the common assertions is that the lack of justice in this world is a proof that there is no God, especially one of love and justice. However, from my viewpoint, the lack of justice that can occur in a lifetime is a proof of God and of other levels of existence. Any undeserved sufferings in this world can be more than compensated for after being born into a greater world, and those who perform great injustices will find that their opportunity to prepare for a greater world has been wasted, just as the foetus needed to develop organs of sense, locomotion and life for this world.

A necessary understanding integrally associated with the above is that man is not just an animal, but primarily intended to be a spiritual being, developing in the spiritual realm even while negotiating this physical life. However, a man without spiritual development is lower in station than an animal.

"As we have before indicated, this human reality stands between the higher and the lower in man, between the world of the animal and the world of divinity. When the animal proclivity in man becomes predominant, he sinks even lower than the brute."

    (Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 110)

Another concept is that of goodness. I will continue this on another page. -Sorry. Not finished yet.

As a member of the Baha'i Faith, I try to align my understandings with its teachings.